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Understanding Mexico Auto Insurance when Driving in San Miguel de Allende


San Miguel de Allende is indeed a popular Mexico destination, from its gorgeous landscape, amazing Mexican culture and majestic colors that stretch from building to building, you can easily get lost in the city’s visual offerings. If you are visiting this beautiful city or have the honor of living in or nearby San Miguel De Allende, then you know that there is a level of gratitude one must have for the rich soils of this old city. Driving a vehicle on the roads of San Miguel De Allende takes a level of responsibility not only for the surroundings but also for all the other pedestrians and vehicles that are on the same road. Please continue reading on for an understanding of Mexico Auto Insurance when driving in San Miguel De Allende.

How many types of Mexico Auto Insurance is there?

There are 2 primary types of Mexico Auto Insurance that are offered in Mexico. The 1st type of coverage is for vehicles that are registered in Mexico. These vehicles are also called National plated vehicles or vehicles that are “Hecho en Mexico.” Vehicles can also be imported into Mexico from outside countries and nationalized, converting the registration of the vehicle from a foreign vehicle to a national plated vehicle. The 2nd type of coverage is for vehicles that are not registered in Mexico. For example, vehicles registered in the United States & Canada. These vehicles registered outside of Mexico require a Mexico Auto Insurance policy called a Tourist Auto insurance policy. This insurance is still being provided by a Mexican Insurance carrier, but the program is specifically designed for foreign vehicles not registered in Mexico, driving in Mexico.

Is my U.S. or Canadian Insurance policy valid when driving in Mexico?

Many Americans are surprised to find out that their car insurance does not cover them once they are south of the border. It is worth mentioning that some, not all U.S.-based insurance companies may offer a limited extension of vehicle theft and damage coverage up to a certain distance — usually only 25 to 50 miles from the U.S. Border into Mexico. Always be sure to check to see if Mexico is included on your auto insurance policy if you are relying on this coverage when driving in Mexico. Nonetheless, those driving in San Miguel de Allende will most definitely be required to purchase an Auto policy written and backed by a Mexican insurance carrier as San Miguel De Allende is 1,311 miles from the United States and in fact 2,557.3 driving miles from the United States.

There is a difference between American and Mexican insurance coverage, and Mexico does not recognize American insurance policies as a strong general rule. If you plan to drive on the roads in Mexico and an unfortunate accident occurs, your insurance in your home country will not cover the damages sustained to your vehicle and good luck trying to claim on it. We recommend at a minimum to secure $300,000 USD. of 3rd party Mexican liability insurance to meet the laws in Mexico. These policies also provide legal bond which is your get out of a Mexico jail card.

Showing Proof of Financial Responsibility

Learning the traffic rules and road signs in Mexico is necessary to avoid getting pulled over by the “Policia” or the “Judiciales” or worst, getting into an accident or collision. Auto insurance obligations vary in different U.S. states and the same applies to car insurance rules and regulations when you cross the border into Mexico.
Drivers involved in a car accident in Mexico are legally required to provide proof of financial responsibility upon request. You might be sentenced to many unpleasant hours in a Mexican jail (with your vehicle impounded) or face a hefty fine if you fail to demonstrate your financial responsibility.

If you want to drive legally in Mexico, you MUST carry Mexican auto insurance. If you do not have the ability to pay for the damages you caused, you may find yourself in a situation that is “No Bueno”.

How easy is it to Secure Mexico Auto Insurance?

VERY EASY! West Coast Global Insurance Services is a forward thinking digital insurance agency focused on a streamlined approach to the file building steps. Jason Wagner understands that his clients would rather be doing anything else then filling out long applications and talking about insurance.

For this reason Jason created online questionnaires to help his clients get through the steps of the file building and for certain lines of insurance he provides his clients direct access to quote & secure their insurance coverage in just a few easy steps.

Who is Jason Wagner & West Coast Global Insurance Services

Jason Wagner owner/broker of West Coast Global Insurance Services has been focused on protecting his clients assets & health in Mexico for over 18 years. He operates a full service Mexico & Global Insurance agency providing ALL lines of insurance in Mexico. Growing up in Mexico, he understands what is required to be sure his clients are protected from the unexpected. Reliable service, comprehensive coverage and the BEST insurance Rates offered in Mexico is what he and his team provide their clients, every day. Teaming up with West Coast Global Insurance Services as your agent of record will provide you an additional layer of support when and in the event you experience a claim in Mexico. His team is bilingual, speaking both Spanish & English.

A misconception is that you will pay more when working with a broker and that is not true. Jason Wagner & West Coast Global Insurance Services provides competitive insurance rates and works with the TOP rated Mexico & Global Insurance carriers.
Jason Wagner & his West Coast Global Insurance Team invite you to call our office and speak with our Insurance Concierge Team direct. They will help you with any questions you may have and help you navigate to securing the insurance you are seeking for you individually or for your family.

Secure Mexico Auto Insurance Today!

When driving in San Miguel de Allende, West Coast Global Insurance Services has made it easy to protect yourself from the unexpected. To get a quote for the most reliable Mexican Car Insurance coverage available in Mexico, follow the steps below and select the link based on your vehicle registration type:

U.S. or Canadian Registered – Cars, Trucks, RV’s, Motorhomes, motorcycles & UTV’s

CLICK This link to Quote & Buy Mexico Auto Insurance in a Few Easy Steps:

Mexico Registered – Cars, Trucks, RV’s, Motorhomes, motorcycles & UTV’s

CLICK This link to Start an Online Questionnaire that once completed & submitted by you will be received in our office and a file manager will be assigned to you. Your file manager will work with you direct and collect a few additional details for underwriting purposes to be sure your file is complete.