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Travel Insurance Tips for Snowbirds

Life in Mexico Canadian Snow Birds

Travel Insurance Tips for Snowbirds

Planning to head to Mexico to escape from winter weather this year? Then you should be sure to have your trip well-organized, so that you can relax and enjoy your vacation with few to no hiccups. If you’ve never traveled abroad before, you may find these tips to be useful for you. It’s all about being prepared and knowing what to expect.


Don’t Leave Home without Passport, ID and Auto Insurance

You drive up to the American-Mexican border and you’re asked for your passport and identification. The last thing you want to do is have to explain that you forgot it or worse, don’t have one. Times have changed from the pre-passport days. Today, you are required to have a passport to cross the Mexican border. Before, you were only required to have a driver’s license, ID and/or birth certificate. Not anymore! Make sure to apply for your passport card or passport book months before your trip down to Mexico. If you need it quickly, you can apply for the expedited service, which will cost considerably more.

If you’ll be driving to Mexico, you’ll need to have proof of auto insurance that will cover you in Mexico. Likely, your American auto insurance won’t do any justice, so you will need to purchase Mexican auto insurance. www.WestCoastRi.com, can help you secure coverage!


Search for Traveler Insurance Coverage the Meet Your Needs

There are a variety of travelers insurance plans that you can buy, which is why you will need to look over the policy to ensure that it will meet your trip’s needs. For instance, if you will be traveling via airplane, you may want to look into a policy that has coverage for cancelled flights and that will reimburse you for hotel stays and food due to canceled transportation. It’s a good idea to obtain an insurance plan that offers emergency evacuation by air or land, especially if you plan to be adventurous (mountain climbing, boating, etc).


Travelers Insurance for Pre-Existing Health Conditions

If you have a medical condition that is pre-existing, then you’ll need to find a policy that will cover it. In most cases, there is a limit to how much you’re covered by for that particular medical condition. Some policies will even require you to purchase the insurance in full by a specific date before you travel abroad before they will offer you coverage. Check the list of pre-existing conditions that are covered and the terms to ensure that you will receive benefits.

Know the Claims Procedure

You don’t want to have to figure out the claims procedure in the midst of an injury or illness, so make sure that you know it beforehand. Read over the policy in its entirety and ask your insurance agent as many questions as possible, so that you will understand the procedure. There are specific timelines for claims and required documents that you need to be aware of. If you don’t complete the claims documents within the timeline or incompletely, then you will not be compensated.

To receive a customized travelers insurance policy for your trip to Mexico, visit West Coast Global Insurance Services !