You would be surprised that many new home & condo buyers in Mexico neglect to insure their investment the day they take possession of their most valuable asset in Mexico. When purchasing a home or condo in Mexico Insuring your investment is just as important in Mexico as it is in the United States or Canada. The same exposures and more exist in Mexico as they do in any other part of the world.
Insuring your property in Mexico should be part of your budget when planning to invest in Mexico. Securing the insurance for your home or condo in Mexico is not as difficult as it used to be even 5 years ago. Policies can now be found written in English or at least provided in English as a courtesy translation. Insuring your property will mitigate your out of pocket exposure in the event of an unforeseen loss that causes damage to your home or condo in Mexico.
Purchasing Mexico Home & Condo insurance can be frustrating if you are not working with an experienced insurance agency that is licensed and has the knowledge of this constantly changing marketplace. Most carriers in Mexico provide catastrophic perils such as Hurricane, Tsunami, Flood and Earthquake, just to name a few. These insurance companies that will write catastrophic coverage in Mexico will have different underwriting guidelines and requirements that must be met in order for them to accept coverage.
All Mexico Insurance carriers have different appetites for the type of business they want to underwrite. These are some of the underwriting requirements from various companies.
- Is your Property Location More or Less than 550 Yards from ANY body of water?
- Are ALL the openings of your Home or Condo equipped with professionally made Storm Shutters approved by Miami-Dade or an accepted Florida Building Code.
- Is your Property Replacement Value More or Less than $500,000 usd.?
When researching what insurance agency to work with that will assist in writing your Mexico Home or Condo Insurance policy, be sure you find an insurance agent that understands the changing Mexico insurance environment, be sure to ask the right questions and most importantly be sure that your insurance agent is asking you all the right questions about your property. If your property is not properly written on the insurance policy and you have a loss then your insurance carrier can deny your claim.
West Coast Global Insurance provides a personal approach to data collecting from their clients. They have created an online Mexico Home & Condo application that asks all the right questions, so your property is insured correctly. Mexico home insurance that looks and feels like a US home policy written in English with clear deductible options and competitive pricing.
For most individuals, we are talking about their most valuable asset in Mexico, which is why making sure you are Protected from the Unexpected is West Coast Global Insurance’s number one Priority.
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