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Is Your Boat or Yacht Insured Properly when navigating in Mexico?

Is Your Boat or Yacht Insured Properly when navigating in Mexico?

If you plan to take your yacht to Mexican waters, you must have yacht liability insurance issued by a Mexican-domiciled insurance provider to cover potential third-party damages. If you get involved in a boating accident in Mexican waters or ports, you must have proof of financial responsibility — just as you would if you were in a car accident in Mexico. You could face harsh consequences if you do not have adequate coverage, such as hefty fines, impoundment of your yacht, and even imprisonment.

What Mexico Yacht Liability Insurance Covers

Mexico yacht liability insurance protects you against legal liability resulting from accidents caused by your yacht’s maintenance, use, or ownership. This includes legal liability protection for personal injuries and property damage, as well as bail bonds and legal defence in the event of such claims.

What Mexico Yacht liability Insurance Doesn’t Cover

Most yacht liability insurance policies do not cover damage to or theft of your yacht, because the policy is specifically structured to be a liability-only policy.  Medical expenses for the yacht’s passengers are also not covered, and commercial vessels are excluded from coverage.

Don’t sail in Mexico unless you have liability coverage!

Mexican yacht insurance is legally required if you are sailing your yacht to Mexico. Unfortunately, many traditional Mexican yacht liability insurance policies differ from U.S. policies, for the simple reason the policy is only valid in Mexico. Furthermore, some policies have bizarre exclusions that may leave you defenceless when they need your coverage the most. Worse still, policy terms may be in Spanish, making it difficult to understand the type of coverage you are paying for.

West Coast Global Insurance understands the stress and frustration that boaters experience when shopping for Mexican insurance online. As such, they offer Mexican yacht insurance policies tailored to the needs of Americans sailing in Mexico. Interested in checking prices and the ability to purchase your policy in a few easy steps? Click here to quote apply now for the best Mexico yacht liability insurance policy for your needs.