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Hurricane Season! Are you prepared?

Hurricane Season! Are you prepared?

The 2012 Pacific Hurricane Season was/is scheduled to take place between mid May (May 15th) and November 30th. Hurricane season started a bit earlier this year when Aletta started building on May 12th and it hit the south-southwest of Acapulco, Mexico.

According to the Climate Prediction Center, the season is likely to have 30% below normal events, 50% near normal events, and 20% above normal events. Climatologist working at the center stated that there will be anywhere from 12-18 named storms, 5-9 of them are likely to become hurricanes and they are even saying 2-5 will likely be major hurricanes.

As we have seen in the past with Hurricane Jimena & Hurricane John, one hurricane can result in tremendous disaster. The unpredictable weather during Hurricane season means that any citizen in a Hurricane zone like Baja Sur needs to be prepared & securing their home with the proper Mexico Home Insurance is crucial.

Preparation is VERY imperative when entering into Hurricane Season. Make sure to have a personal safety plan in place with your family and loved ones in the event of a Hurricane. Emergency Supply Kits are also important to have in a safe & accessible location. Emergency supply kits should consist of your own food, water and other supplies to aid if there is no water & power. In the event of a disaster local officials are usually dispatched but cannot reach everyone immediately. Other important information you should have is where to go in the event of an evacuation or prolonged utility outage! Have all documents with you such as passports, I.D’s, etc.

Lastly, in the event of a disaster, having the proper Mexico Insurance in place for your home is top priority. Protecting your home in Mexico with Storm Shutters is also highly recommended in the event of a Hurricane or strong tropical storm. West Coast Global Insurance are here to help you secure coverage for your most valuable assets in Mexico. Be sure to check your Mexico Home Policy to be sure you are properly protected in the event of an unforeseen catastrophic event, including a Hurricane. Visit www.WestCoastRi.com for more information!