CIGNA Global – Expat Major Medical Insurance

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    Major Medical Expat Health Insurance

    CIGNA Global provides three levels of essential core coverage to choose from, Silver, Gold and Platinum. Our core policies cover for inpatient, day case surgery and accommodation costs. In addition, essential protection for cancer and psychiatric care are provided for. Gold and Platinum policies also offer cover for routine maternity.

    International Outpatient
    Additional and more extensive outpatient cover that protects you for any treatments that don’t require a hospital stay.

    International Medical Evacuation
    Peace of mind cover for transport and repatriation costs for you and a family member if you need treatment in another country.

    International Health & Well-being
    Allows you to manage your health in your own way with cover for screenings, tests, examinations and other well-being activities.

    International Vision & Dental
    Complete cover for all your vision and dental costs.

    Save 40-50% by trimming away coverage in the U.S.

    CIGNA Global Individual Private Medical Insurance

    Long-term flexible medical cover for expatriates and globally mobile individuals. The perfect plan for American and Canadian citizens living or working in Mexico.

    • 3 cover levels available: Silver, Gold or Platinum
    • Comprehensive medical plan with a ‘paid in full’ philosophy (Platinum)
    • Unlimited Core & Outpatient Benefit with the Platinum Plan – recommended
    • Maternity cover available on Platinum and Gold with a 12 month waiting period
    • 2 areas of cover available: Worldwide or Worldwide excluding the USA (sizable cost saving)
    • No upper age limit
    • Unlimited cancer care promise across all 3 plans
    • Guaranteed renewal regardless of how many claims you make
    • Flexible Medical Underwriting
    • Range of deductible and cost share options to customize cover and price
    • Largest global network of over 1 million hospitals, doctors and clinicians globally
    • Access to 24/7/365 customer service
    • Optional modules: Outpatient cover, Emergency Medical Evacuation, Vision & Dental and Health & Well-being preventative care