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7 things to know about Mexico Liability Insurance

Mexico liability insurance is necessary when you drive in Mexico. Forewarned is forearmed, and being prepared for all contingencies is a good way to make sure your road trip across the border and beyond is carefree and enjoyable. Here are 7 things to know about Mexico liability insurance.

Mexican Liability Insurance is mandated by Law

It used to be that only some states required it, but Mexico liability insurance is now a must when driving anywhere in the country. Failure to produce proof of coverage can get you in a heap of trouble, especially if there is an accident.

Mexico Liability Insurance is Included in Your Car Rental Fee

Most reputable car rental companies will include Mexican liability insurance in the rental fee, so you won’t need to worry about the legal aspect. However, the coverage may not be enough. In case of an accident, the liability insurance will cover the medical costs and property damage up to the coverage amount. Anything over that will be for your account. As a rule of thumb, the amount of coverage for your Mexican liability insurance and other coverage should be the same as what you would need in the US. This will minimize out-of-pocket expenses.

Mexico Liability Insurance Has Limited Coverage

Mexican liability insurance will cover personal injury and property damage of a third party, but not your own. For that, you will need separate insurance for personal injury protection and collision damage to cover medical costs for you and your passengers.

Mexico Liability Insurance is required to Bring Your Car into Mexico

Deciding to bring your own car into Mexico instead of renting could be great, but you will need a temporary import permit if you go past 18 miles beyond the border (Free Zone). To get a permit (required for all foreign-registered vehicles), you will need Mexico liability insurance among a host of other documents.

Choose Mexico Liability Insurance Carefully

Not all Mexican liability insurance will be valid in Mexico if the insurance company is not licensed to provide this type of coverage for US or Canada-registered vehicles. Before paying for your policy, make sure that the company providing the Mexico liability insurance is accredited by the Mexican government.

You Should Get Mexico Liability Insurance Ahead of Time

While you may think that buying your Mexican liability insurance when you get to Mexico is a great idea, it actually isn’t. Not all companies operating near the border are reputable or accredited by the government. Moreover, you could end up paying more. Lastly, if you need a permit for the car, you need to have a certificate of cover from an accredited insurer, so if you don’t have that, you will have to pay for another policy.

Comparison Shop for Mexican Liability Insurance Online

The best way to get Mexico liability insurance is online. It is easy to get quotes, so that you can get the best value for your money. You can also get customized policies depending on the purpose, extent and length of your stay in Mexico, which will ensure that you get just the right amount of Mexico liability insurance cover for the duration of your stay. West Coast Global Insurance Services can help you secure a competitive liability policy!