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7 Most Important Things to Know about Mexico Insurance

7 Most Important Things to Know about Mexico Insurance

While planning to visit or relocate to Mexico, it is advisable that you begin looking into Mexico insurance. When doing so, keep in mind these 7 most important things to know about Mexico insurance.

Minimum Mexico Insurance Coverage

If you will be driving in Mexico, at the minimum, you should have Mexico insurance in case of a car accident, which includes not only third party liability, which is a requirement for driving in Mexico, but also collision damage, personal accident and supplemental liability to have complete Mexico insurance coverage when using private transport. You should also have international travel insurance in case of the need for emergency medical assistance.

Mexico Insurance is legally required

Some visitors going into Mexico think that their local car insurance covers them anywhere, but in fact most of them don’t. If the policy does include coverage outside the country of origin, chances are it is extremely limited. Moreover, the law requires visitors to the country using private transport, whether a rental or their own car to carry Mexican insurance by a Mexican carrier.

Mexican Insurance Should Include Emergency Medical Assistance

When purchasing Mexico insurance online, including emergency medical assistance is important. A good international travel insurance company can provide Mexico insurance that offers such coverage.

Mexican Insurance Should Include Legal Assistance

Legal assistance, as well as bail bond expenses is an important aspect of your Mexican insurance. It is no joke getting arrested in a foreign country for an unfortunate accident; having insurance would make the experience much less horrific. Copies of important documents including Mexico insurance should be kept separate from the car in case it is stolen.

Clear and Understandable Language for Mexico Insurance

An insurance company that specializes in assisting foreigners will provide a policy that is written in both English and Spanish, so that the terms of the policy are clear for all concerned. The Mexico insurance purchased online should have full authentication from the Mexico government, and include clear instructions in case of an accident, including important phone numbers. When carrying Mexico insurance, keep the policy on hand together with the official receipt of payment and keep in mind that the Spanish version will always prevail.

Mexico Insurance Should Cover the Entire Trip

The Mexican insurance you obtain should cover your entire stay in the country. Most Mexican insurance companies offer any period of coverage as required, including daily and weekly coverage.

Find Reputable Mexican Insurance Online

The best way to buy Mexican insurance in advance is to find a reputable online insurance company that specializes in providing insurance to foreigners from the US and Canada. A reliable Mexico insurance company would be able to provide the coverage required at a reasonable cost.

Mexico insurance is not something that should be disregarded when considering a trip to the country. You don’t want to ruin your stay by being caught unprepared for the emergencies or accidents that may occur, even if you only plan to stay for a short while. Aside from protecting yourself and the people with you, it will also protect your pocket book. Being prepared with the appropriate Mexico insurance for your needs will enable you to relax and have peace of mind. Visit www.WestCoastRi.com.